On November 14, an Integrity shop was opened at the KazGUU. After almost a month of nonstop work of the shop, Alisher Bodaubekov, Head of the Department of Student Affairs of KazGUU, shared its successes with us. The concept of… > > >
Saiga is a cloven-hoofed mammal from the subfamily of real antelopes. Nowadays, saiga lives only in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. In 2002, The International Union for the conservation of nature (IUCN) classified this species as «CR» — critical condition. However,… > > >
This story is about a very brave girl who has experienced ups and downs, but still remained on horseback. Aliya Toktasynova shared her story about love of horses, why she is engaged in Kyz Kuu and what she wants in… > > >
The history of Kazakhstan is full of significant vents, greatest names, and fateful decisions. Every fight for the fatherland and people is highly honored by tens of generations. However, one day in the historical chronology of the country will remain… > > >
From 10 to 20 November, an exhibition dedicated to the memory of Kazakhstani figure skater Denis Ten was held in Astana. The exhibition was located in the shopping center Mega Silk Way and anyone who wanted to attend could visit… > > >
Eurasian National University after L.N. Gumilyov is one of the most prestigious and famous Kazakhstan universities. It is famous for its history, education quality, employability of alumni. The university is also rich in talents and achievements of its students and… > > >
This story is about two sisters, Saida and Dina, who with their own hands, make jewelry and new plastic bags from garbage. Plastic is collected at work, at home, on the street. It’s cleaned with soap and water, dried and… > > >
There aren’t much people that are aware of the “Sesame street” TV-show for kids (and not only) in the countries of the Post Soviet Union. The television program was first broadcast on the largest American non-profit network PBS on November… > > >