Do you believe in horoscopes?

The mysterious people who are called numerologists or the ones who make horoscopes now are at the peak of their career.
People always have a desire to believe in something, to be able to predict future mistakes and correct them. Relatively, there always are people who provide this opportunity for them. It goes back to gypsies and charlatans, who are obviously believed to be known as scammers now. After the era of rascaldoms, people stopped believing in any future telling possibilities until now. Now numerologists and others who claim they have a special connection with the Galaxy are gaining fame.
It is not clear whether it can be believed or not yet, that is why it is having a big turnover now. Their predictions are not exact, mostly they give advices.
Numerologists make money on making “predictions” according to numbers. They make up personal horoscopes according to the time and place a person was born, make sports predictions and kind of help reaching goals by making “Wish Maps”.

Zauresh Vasilyevna, @zarashoroscope on Instagram is a numerologist, horoscope writer and an english teacher. Her Instagram page consists of everyday horoscopes for signs of influence and signs in the reflections, recommendations for the day and time periods when you need to be extra careful. Her other services need to be paid. According to her words, she uses a special app to see the positions of stars and planets and writes conclusive horoscopes.
Her students say that she never tells an exact thing that is about to happen, but hits the point and her Instagram page is worth sharing as she does it to help people.
Ozenbayeva Nazym


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