What do you know about 14th February?

After three days all people on our planet will celebrate 14th February – the day of lovers, but unfortunately not many know how and from where this holiday came to us. It is a new holiday for us, it came from the West only twenty years ago. It has been celebrated for a very long time in Europe and America.

The day of lovers is called Valentine’s Day. According to the legend, this man was a doctor and a priest. In those days, the evil Roman emperor forbade lovers to marry. He wanted men to give all their strength to the battles in his army, not to love anyone and not to start families. But Saint Valentine secretly crowned loving couples. For this he was arrested and executed. After that people called Valentine’s Day in honor of this man who gave his life for love.

Valentine’s Day customs developed in early modern England and spread throughout the English-speaking world in the 19th century. In later 20th and early 21st centuries, these customs spread to other countries, but their effect has been more limited than those of Hallowe’en, or than aspects of Christmas, (such as Santa Claus).Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many East Asian countries with Singaporeans, Chinese and South Koreans spending the most money on Valentine’s gifts.

The main symbol of the holiday – “Valentine.” This is a different size postcard made in the shape of a small heart. The creation of the first “Valentine” is also attributed to the Duke of Orleans in 1415. He sat in the dungeon and thus, perhaps, fought boredom, writing love messages to his wife and the most common postcards “Valentine” reached in the XVIII century.

Kabbasova Danagul


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