B. Zhandarbekov “Tomiris the Queen of Saks”, an epic drama based on Bulat Zhandarbekov’s novel “Saks” was held in the Astana`s Drama Theatre named after M. Gorky. The play was dedicated to the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

Also from 2016 in Kazakhstan a new holiday of “Thank you” day has approved. In connection with this day, children from the rehabilitation center of the city of Astana performed at the Gorky Theater before the start of the production of “Tomiris the Queen of Saki”. A group of children and adolescents talked about the plight of women during the World War II. In accordance with the decision of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of June 8, 1934, for members of the “families of traitors to the Motherland”, a sentence of imprisonment from 5 to 10 years or exile to remote regions of Siberia for 5 years was established. The camp of the wives of traitors to the homeland was known for its difficult living conditions. In this complicated time, the Kazakh people showed mercy and compassion for the deserted prisoners and saved them from starvation. Women with children from the nearest villages waited while the prisoners were led out to the river and then they let the children forward so that they would throw stones at women. But as it turned out later, there were not stones at all, there were kurt. Kurt is a dry sour-milk product slightly resembling a stone which was a salvation for hungry women. After the performance, the audience held the applause to young actors and then the production of “Tomiris the Sacred Queen” began.

The performance lasted 2 hours and 40 minutes and had 1 intermission. From the very beginning to the end, the actors kept the room in suspense. Fine scenery, light-music and costumes very subtly conveyed the atmosphere of that time. The main character Queen Tomiris was bold, wise and really the queen by nature. During the play, the phrase “Born the queen, and die like  the queen” sounded. The free daughter of the steppes Tomiris united twelve tribes into one huge army. Nowadays Tomiris is the embodiment of the patriotic spirit of the entire Kazakh people.

Going to the theater is not only a great way to spend an evening but also it is a beautiful spiritual enrichment. Actors give viewers their energy and emotions that nowadays costs a lot.

Farida Karsybekova 



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