Spring has come; time of love and renewal has begun, it is warm and sunny… but not in Astana. Astana citizens met the first days of spring with the cold and wind. Nevertheless, souls of Kazahstanis were filled with warmth.

Kazakhstanis have a new holiday – “Thank you” Day , since establishing it by the Decree of the President of the Republic No.173 of January 14 in 2016. The same document also approved the date of its official annual celebration – March 1.

“This day can become a bright holiday of charity, friendship and love of all Kazakhstanis to each other,” the head of state said during the 22nd session of people of Kazakhstan.

A play «Gasyrdan da uzak kun» was shown in the State Academic Kazakh Music and Drama Theatre after K. Kuanyshbaev, and a staging «Kurt is the precious stone» was presented in the Russian Drama Theatre after M. Gorky. The Puppet Theatre of Astana organizes a charity show of the play “The Forest Fairy Tale of Good Neighbors” for children from orphanages, children’s funds and children from low-income families.

In the S.Seifullin’s museum there was a meeting «Zhanynda zhur zhaksy adam» on the same day, and an event “Heat of Kazakhstan land” – in the children’s library No.5. In addition, the capital’s librarians conducted an off-site event in the House of the Elderly “Kurmet pen izet kushagynan”. Visitors could see a special exhibition in the museum “Algeria”.

There were two concerts dedicated to the «Thank you» Day in Astana. On March 1 citizens could attend a concert “Myn Algys” at the Palace of Peace and Harmony. On March 3 there was a concert “One People – One Family” in the «Zhastar» Palace.

«EJ blog» team congratulates you on the «Thank you» Day! Thank you!

Anzhela Kaliyeva


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