Today, the holiday of March 8 became a symbol of tenderness and love that girls give us. It is not for nothing that this holiday is celebrated at the beginning of spring because at this time nature awakens from the winter hibernation. The sun slowly begins to heat with its gentle rays.

The modern celebration of the Women’s Day no longer has the purpose of affirming equality but is considered the day of spring, feminine beauty, tenderness, spiritual wisdom and attention to the woman, regardless of her status and age.

In honor of this holiday, an interview was held with a teenage girl of 15 years. She shared her thoughts, goals, and advice from life.

– Do you like being a younger sister?

-Yes, because the older sister gives me a shoulder when I need it, helps with homework, and most of the household made by her. The older sister gives useful advice and does not allow making those mistakes that she did at my age.

– Would you like to be the eldest?

-No, because the being older sister is hard.

-Would you like to have a little sister?

-No I would not. I am used to being the younger one, I cannot imagine what it is like- to have a little sister.

Who are you at the moment?

The younger sister, the student, the teenager.

-Tell me about yourself in three words

-Cheerful, curious and friendly. Everyone should be able to enjoy life and be kinder to people.

-What is your dream?

-To visit Spain and Georgia. It is very picturesque and fresh in Georgia, the mountains are incredible beauty and strength. There are very emotional people in Spain and I really like the Spanish language. I consider it to be bright and sonorous.

-What are you proud of?

-My elder sister. She has always been a role model for me and she is my support.

-What life advice would you give people which based on your experience?

-Do not forget to hug mom. After all, my mother is the closest and dearest person, even a little hug can brighten the whole day.

Due to this interview, we saw the attitude of the younger sister to the eldest one.The girl said that being an older sister is hard work and big responsibility. The interview reminded us how important it is to pay attention to mom and appreciate beloved ones.

Farida Karsybekova


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