An interview was conducted with the mother of two children on the eve of the Women’s Day. The woman has a lot of experience in raising children, and decided to share her experience, to tell about her most terrible and happy moments. Let us get into the mothers’ tough life.

-What were your first feelings when you became a mother?

Happiness, of course surprise, since these were my first births and relief. I was proud of myself that I could go through it, remained strong til the very end. Affection from the fact that the family replenished with one small person.

-What is it like to be the mother of two children?

It is absolute pleasure that I have such different and similar children at the same time. Despite the age difference each of them is clever and judicious. I am very glad that they grew up as they are now, they are kind and understanding children that every parent dreams about.

What is your the most difficult day as the mother?

When my youngest son was hospitalized with a hernia, I was with him at that moment. He was very tender and crying child, so his tears were doubly painful to look at. I could hardly restrain myself then. His after anesthetic state was also given to us very hard. I worried most of all for my daughter during her graduation year. When she passed her final exams our whole family was trying to support her. It was hard to stay strong when your child was going through a significant stage of her life.

What makes you happy? What can cheer you up?

My children’s achievements and winnings, see them contented with themselves and smiles on their faces. From the most recent  examples it is probably the victory of my son in the international Olympiad which was held in Malaysia. If you only could see how he was proud of himself of his trainings! That really made me happy and reminded how hardworking my boy is. The appropriation of the state grant to my daughter was definitely one of the main events of the last year in our family. Seeing her tears of joy touched my heart so much that I also started to cry. I could not even handle with my feelings. It meant a lot for her, as well as for us.

-What is your dream right now?

At the moment I would like to go to a any country with my whole family, have a rest both physically and mentally. The place is not so much important for me as the fact that we can spend time together outside the country, filling our memory with new memories and good impressions.

-What could you advice other mothers? How they should raise a child?

The most important thing is to be able to keep a balance between care and rigor. Be for them both an understanding friend and parent following the rules. Teach them the most basic things- to be humane and good-natured.

Aruzhan Kuandyk



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