We had unsual interview in the “Her Advice” project’s boundaries. Our respondent will be Abilova Zhaniya, 8-year-old Little Sister.

-Hello Zhaniya!

-Do you know who I am?
-Yes, you are my sister Kamila and you are a journalist *laughs*

-Right, I am your older sister. Tell me what do you feel about that? Describe, please.
-I feel…emm…joy! Not so sharp joy, the calm one. I mean, I like that you are sitting next to me right now.

*Laugh* You have an older brother.
-I do.

-So you are the little one.

-Do you like to be the little sister?
-Yes, I like it.

-He is an older brother, so he can say “Zhaniya, do this or do that”
-Well, sometimes I do not like it, but I try to go other way, like, do what he says to do.

-What do you dislike?
-When I hate him or when he says me what to do. He could walk and act like a king.

-You also have 2 little brothers, which makes you an older sister.
-Yeah, when there is my brother. I am an older and little sister at the same time.

-So what do you feel about being an older one?
-The older one… feel the proud, because I have a big responsibility. In addition, I am 2 times older, because I have 2 people, I mean… emm… little brother and another one. I look after them, I try. That is why there is feeling like they ride my neck.

-Do you like being an older sister?

-What do you not like about being an older sister?
-The fact that I have to look after them for a long time, losing my own time always. I am blamed of  whether they do something, while I do my stuff.

-Tell me a bit about yourself.
-I am 8, I study at the school №54, the second grade. My favorite subjects are Knowledge of the word and Geography. I do not really like Maths.

-You study at the Kazakh school, but initially speak Russian.
-Yeah, that is how turned, I am used to. I am okay with that. I can speak Kazakh as well as Russian.

 -Is it easy for you to study at school?
-No, no. Well, not so easy. It is difficult sometimes, but no. Not.

-What is your favorite thing, besides subjects?
– I like drawing, I like singing, I also love talking with my friends. We do a lot of things – important days and meetings.

-What are your personal preferences?
-I love singing. A lot.

-You go to the special courses, don’t you?
-No, I used to go. However now I do not, I will go there soon. It is the choir “Erke”.

 -Do you do anything besides singing?
-Yes. Sometimes. Not so often. I dance and draw. I draw really well.

-Do you love drawing?
-Yes, I do.

-What do you like to draw?
-Honestly, I love drawing portraits. Auto portraits are not so good. Once I drew Alibek (little brother) and myself. When everyone saw Alibek’s – whoah! That is why all said “Draw! Draw! Do not give it up!”, that is the reason.

-Do you have a dream?
-Oh, yes. My very first one – I have two dreams – the first one is travelling. I even have a big notebook, I will put photos and sign the names of cities and countries there. I want to visit England. I also dream about flying high in white dress and with spread hair among the clouds. I want everything to be well.

-Do you already know who you want to be?
-Yes, I know. A singer. I will have my own stage, save money and build it. I will compose my songs on my own there, and I hope nobody will steal them.

Do you plan to learn play any musical instrument?
-I wanted to play a violin, but I do not have it now. That is why I play only a piano a bit.

-What are you proud of in your life?
– I proud of…*thinking* The fact I live.  I am healthy/ I have family, and everything is all right.

-What can you say about participating in EXPO? You sang there.
-Yes, I did. During the trainings we were on a high stage – very high! – you can fall down – whoah, it would be embarrassing – so we tried be a bit further. It was so-so-so hot. The sun was shining so much. I had a headache. The pigtail pressed my head so bad. Anyways I tried to sing really well, and I guess we succeeded.

 -Describe yourself by 3 words. 3 words that describe you really well?
-I love myself.

– *laughts* no, for example, I can say that I’m Creative, Kind, Funny. Now describe yourself.
– Emm… I am beautiful. Smart and artistic.

-What you can advise all 8-years-old girls around the world?
-If your family hates music or anything else, say ”no”. Discover yourself. Be more expressive. Do what your soul says to do. Go to your dreams, do not stuck at one place. It is time to climb up higher and everything is going to be okay.

-Thank you so much for the interview, honey.
-Thank you, too!

Kamila Chuzhenova



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