Eurasian National University hosted a recital of VIA «Eurasia» within the framework of the program «Spiritual revival» (Рухани жаңғыру) on April 10. Organizer of the evening was the cultural and creative association “Zhiger”(Жігер). Students, professors and teachers as well as the rector of the University of Sydykov Erlan Battazhevich (Сыдыков Ерлан Батташевич) were the spectators of a festive solo concert called “Araina”(Арайна). The head of the collective is the well-known kjuishi (кюйши), composer Aibek Bekbosyn (Айбек Бекбосын). He opened the show playing his kjui “Adai”(Адай). Nursultan Kurman (Нурсултан Курман), one of the current journalists of the Khabar TV channel, hosted an evening of live music. Many well-known singers performed on the stage, besides the members of the musical group. Actress and singer Aigul Imanbaeva (Айгүл Иманбаева) singing her “Tangy eles” (Таңғы елес), another artist Bauyrzhan Isaev (Бауыржан Исаев) performing “Aiaulym” (Аяулым) came to support talents of the university. Local vocal team have already had such experience, conducting its very first concert in 2015.
Aruzhan Kuandyk