Jah Khalib presented his new album that called «E.G.O.» on March 16, 2018.

Bakhtiyar Mamedov (Jah Khalib) is a Kazakh rapper of Azerbaijani origin was born in Almaty in 1993. The young singer became well-known due to social networks. Among the most popular songs there are compositions such as «SnD», «Tvoi sonnye glaza»(“Твои сонные глаза”), «Szhigaya dotla»(“Сжигая дотла”), «Leila»(“Лейла”), «Mamasita»(“Мамасита”).

It is the fifth album of the artist. Jah Khalib has four more: «KHALIBaniya dushi»(“KHALIBания души”), «Vse chto my lyubim»(“Все что мы любим”), «Esli che, ya Baha»(“Если че, я Баха”), «Jazovyi gruv»(“Джазовый грув”).

«E.G.O.» consists of 13 tracks:

  • Wow-wow palehche (“Уоу- уоу палехче”)
  • Ostat’sya soboi(“Остаться собой”)
  • V otkrytyi kosmos(“В открытый космос”)
  • Letnie tainy(“Летние тайны”)
  • Volny Antarktiki(“Волны Антарктики”)
  • DZL(“ДЗЛ”)
  • BRN
  • Kolybel’naya(“Колыбельная”)
  • Medina (“Медина”)
  • La Maro
  • A ya eyo ( “А я её”)
  • Princessa i nischiy (“Принцесса и нищий”)
  • Bestiya (“Бестия”)

“Medina” music video, which is considered the most expensive music video in Kazakhstan, was released on March 6. The video immediately «exploded» the Internet. Foreigners compare scenes from the video with footage of some Hollywood’s film. «Medina» music video is also called the Kazakh version of the «Game of thrones». It is known that the work of young director Aisultan Seitov is  nominated for a prestigious music award in Berlin Music Video Awards -2018.

«E.G.O.» music album is available at the iTunes.


Anzhela Kaliyeva


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