Sequence of the interviews of the fair half of family members is completed by the wisest, most sensible, the most kind – a grandmother. She has the biggest experience in raising children, and she has two children and four grandchildren. The grandmother tells what is it like- to be the grandmother and gives advices from the height of the lived years.
– Who is your first grandchild?
-A girl. She is already 18 years old.
-What emotions did you feel when she was born?
– I was very happy. Granddaughter was like a daughter to me.
-What are the differences between children and grandchildren?
-Grandchildren can not be scolded, be shouted. They have parents for this, but grandmother and grandfather should be kind.
-What is it like- to be the grandmother of four grandchildren?
-A very good feeling.
-Would you like to have more grandchildren?
-It does not depend on me.
-If there were 10 grandchildren, would it be hard for you?
-Of course. When I was young, I dreamed that I would have many children. However, I had only two children. I thought that they would give me many grandchildren. I wanted all of us to live in a big house together, but fate decreed otherwise. Of course, it would be hard with 10 grandchildren. Everyone needs an attention. That is a great responsibility.
–What are the most difficult and terrible things that happen in your life as a grandmother?
-When the children are sick, but you are at a loss and do not know how to help them. Attitude to grandchildren differs from attitude to children by more anxious and responsible.
-What makes you happy?
-Our family.
-Do you have a dream now?
-My dream is not to be sick. Unfortunately, after birth of my oldest granddaughter, my health deteriorated. I could not pay so much attention to other grandchildren because of it. We walked a lot, rode on attractions, visited parks and concerts, read a lot of books with her.
– What can you say about other modern grandmothers?
-There are two types of grandmothers: some responsible and loving, but others can say: “No one brought up my children and I will not educate yours”. I have seen and heard the same. Who have motherhood, they will live the children, but who have never had a maternal instinct, they could never love a child.
It’s very hard to be a grandmother. Love and appreciate your one. You are happy – they are happy.
Anzhela Kaliyeva